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During a crisis adequate stores of food serve two critical functions: nutritional and psychological.

It has been observed that when people miss one meal, they get angry. When they miss two meals, some are willing to steal. And if they miss three meals, some are willing to kill. Such can become the mindset of the masses during catastrophic events. Consider what you would do to keep your own family alive during an extended famine with all of the grocery stores shut down. It doesn't take much imagination to understand what the perception of extended lack can do to otherwise-friendly, peaceable people.


Grocery stores stock just 2-3 days' worth of food during normal operations. Imagine them having to serve a "panic run" on food! Supplies would last a couple of hours at best. And if an emergency event is extended and/or wide-spread, the delivery and re-stocking of food supplies may not occur for days, weeks, even months.


Scary, isn't it? But with the right plan in place, you can provide emergency food to your family which can be stored for extended periods of time so it'll be ready when you need it most.


There are lots of food storage solutions; not all are equal (by a long shot). And there are serious health risks in many (if not most) of the "over-the-counter" long-term food storage options. (For example, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. but many of the readily-available emergency food options contain excessive amounts of sodium that exceed maximum daily allowances.)


During an extended crisis, you'll need food stores that provide the greatest nutrition at the lowest cost. And ... would it surprise you to learn that one of the top options for food storage has been around for thousands of years! It works, it's tried-and-true; and folks have relied on it since earliest recorded times!


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